A Seat at the Table

With Natalie Fabello

When I was asked to write about our current series, 'A Seat at the Table', I couldn't stop thinking about dinner parties. It's one of the things I really miss while in lockdown, so to fill the void that's what I'm going to write about.

For me, the table represents a place of belonging. We meet at the table to discuss big plans and celebrate. Life happens with others at the table, and what better table to centre around than in God's presence? Looking from the outside in, how does one get a seat? In the world today it would be easy to assume that it would require a lot of effort. Many ladders to climb just to be seen worthy for such an exclusive spot. However, God has always been clear through His word that that isn't the case.

Galatians 3:26-28 “So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptised into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Throughout my life there have been countless circles that I felt were too exclusive for me to join. Whether they were work or social related, real or just perceived, the feelings were there. It wasn't until I discovered and really felt God's undeniable love for me that I was more confident and grounded in whatever position and place I found myself in.

Now, the places have been set, who are we inviting? Throughout the series we have heard of the people who extended invitations to get us to where we are now as a Church family. From Lucy's babysitter, to Rob's colleague or my Uni friend Sara, we were all invited to be introduced to Jesus. For us currently sitting comfortably, are we making room beside ourselves and pulling out the chair for someone to come join us? What's great about our Church is the many opportunities to invite others to commune with us even though we aren't able to gather in person. It's also got me wondering how else I can invite people to know Jesus and want to challenge myself with that more.

Have you ever found yourself at a social gathering and had no clue what was going on? The first time I went to Mexico, I met my husband's extended family at a dinner and this was the first time they had been together for a long time. I felt welcomed; those who spoke English asked me questions but as the evening progressed and the excitement grew it changed to 100% Spanish. I tried to keep up, looked at the face of every storyteller, concentrated on the non verbal cues…then I FELL ASLEEP! It was so embarrassing. A few years later as I got closer to the family, coupled with my Spanish lessons, gatherings in Mexico have become much more engaging and now I truly feel part of la familia. This can happen in Church life too. How can we meet those at their level of understanding, build authentic relationships that centre around Jesus and for those who were once guests to take ownership of their place at the table?

As I end, let me tell you about my most favourite table gathering. It's in my childhood home with my parents, sisters, the spouses and kids. As the family grew bigger and bigger we added extra fold out tables, squeezed three bottoms on two chairs and used mismatched dinnerware, much to my Mother's horror. We stay there for hours, laughing, eating and eating some more but it's undeniably filled with love. Just as God is Love. He is also our cornerstone at which everything rests. For those already seated, let's be reminded of the Love we gather around, it's there for us to receive but importantly to extend to others just as God does for us.

Now, let's eat.


Join us as we continue to explore the theme of A Seat at the Table this month at C3 London at 10:00 on Sundays on Youtube.

Visit our channel here.


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